Asset enhancement

CDP Immobiliare is one of the leading companies engaging in the enhancement through development and transformation of the large number of properties it owns throughout the country, also through partnerships with private investors.

CDP Immobiliare buys publicly owned large real estate complexes in bulk, and then proceeds to redevelop the assets.

In addition to managing the sale of the more readily marketable properties, the company undertakes medium to long-term redevelopment and enhancement projects on the portion of the portfolio that requires significant transformations before being offered on the market.

This has allowed CDP Immobiliare to acquire outstanding skills in the analysis, transformation, enhancement, execution and sale of all types of real estate assets and portfolios, and is able to manage all steps of the technical, administrative, commercial, financial and legal processes related to the real estate cycle.

Thanks to its experience and know-how, CDP Immobiliare can handle complex transformations encompassing all intended uses with a multidisciplinary approach.