Pentagramma Piemonte Spa


The company was established in June 2007 as a joint venture of CDP Immobiliare and GEFIM Spa, a leading construction and real estate company operating in the northwest of Italy.

The company engages in the improvement of four properties it owns, the most notable of which is Palazzo del Lavoro in Turin, a remarkable work of contemporary architecture built in 1961 on a design by engineer Pierluigi Nervi on the occasion of the centennial of the Unification of Italy.

The company is working at the construction of a high-end commercial facility within the building.

The other properties are situated in Asti, where the company owns a building area for residential use; in Carmagnola, Turin, where a business park is underway, and in Tortona, where a zoning process has been started for the transformation of an industrial complex into a modern multifunction district.

Shareholders: 50% CDP Immobiliare Srl -  50% GEFIM Spa

Go to Project details Carmagnola.

Go to Project details Tortona.

Go to Project details Palazzo del Lavoro Torino.